All American Heroes by Peter Mars
On March 24th, New York City’s Taglialatella Gallery will open it’s doors to host a pre-premier party for Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice. The show will feature artwork by Peter Mars, Andy Warhol, Banksy, and Mr. Brainwash displaying their paintings inspired by DC and Marvel Comics icons. Ardent followers of pop art and America’s most trusted superheroes won’t want to miss this event.
Comics’ superhero mythos has long since become ingrained in popular American culture. Superman has been a source of inspiration for many writers, filmmakers, and artists ever since the very first DC Comics featuring the new character archetype – soon known as “superheroes” – was published in 1938. Batman and Wonder Woman enter the scene shortly thereafter, who would both become the brainchild of many creatives for decades to come.
Keith Haring Batman
Superhero icons such as Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, and Invisible Girl have spurred the creative spark for many pop artists in particular. In fact, many superhero characters were created upon the principles of pop art. Andy Warhol, a name synonymous with the pop art movement, has created numerous pieces of pop art based on the iconic duo, and even directed his own Batman-fan film.
Andy Warhol Superman
Banksy, an artist known to turn New York City into his own massive outdoor canvas, has used the superhero juggernaut as motivation for his street art. Banksy has even been described as a modern-day Batman due to his elusive nature and cunning graffiti displays plastering “Gotham City.”
Mr. Brainwash, a contributor to the film Exit Through the Gift Shop (documenting the lives of Banksy, Shephard Fairey, Invader and many of the world's most infamous graffiti artists), has also been influenced by the heroics. One Mr. Brainwash screen print, titled Obama Superman, portrays Obama proudly wearing the bright red and yellow shield with the prominent “S.”
The collective stories of one culture can help convey belonging and support, and the tales of superheroes are no exception. American pop artist, Peter Mars, believes that mythology is an essential element of human society, and began with the collection of stories and myths that spawned from the Greek Gods. Mars says, ”I always felt this way about our superheroes, but it became absolutely essential after 9/11, when I realized we needed them now more than ever. I thought, who do we really have to turn to? What if even the president can’t save us? Knowing that superheroes will always be there to rescue us gives us safety.”
Radiant by Peter Mars
You wont want to miss this superhero-themed premier event taking place in the Chelsea art district at Taglialatella Gallery. Peter Mars’ artwork will feature Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, and Invisible Girl using silkscreen and acrylic on canvas. On the creative process, Mars says, “Making the art was thrilling and even surprising at times. My studio team had a lot of ‘WOW!’ moments when we lifted the silkscreen from the canvases. This show is going to be a unique event people won’t want to miss.” Peter Mars will be in attendance at the premier event.